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First show with Nola


If you want to breed your dog, your dog must meet a number of conditions. This also applies to conditions regarding the exterior (appearance) of the dog. To comply with this, we went to the VLECS championship club match with Nola. Of course, this did not happen without some preparation. Or, well, a decent preparation. Even though everything is new to me, I naturally want to have everything arranged down to the last detail.

I had little experience with showing. I have visited a larger show twice and I participated once with Fido in the championship club match of the VLECS. Fido was just a puppy at the time, so it was very different. I followed show training with Fido at a dog school at the time. With show training, you and your dog are prepared for a show and you learn everything you need to know about showing.

Fido can quickly become stressed in busier situations, especially when there are many other dogs around. Another disadvantage for Fido is that he has a color that is not to the liking of every judge, so in that case he is already one step behind the rest. I have therefore chosen not to show Fido, but to have him approved for breeding suitability. I have registered Nola for the championship club match. Her first show. Because Nola is still young, she is registered in the youth class of females.

Start at the beginning.

Nola has no show experience, and to start somewhere, I register us with Kyno Spirit. This is a dog school in the area with a specialization in construction and exercise. They have been giving show training for a long time and I also went here with Fido at the time. Even though everything is new for Nola and she is in a group with many other dogs, she is doing very well. Only a few weeks before the show, so we still have some time to train.

Training at Kyno Spirit in Sebaldeburen

During show training you learn how and at what pace to run. In addition, there are certain figures that you have to walk, you learn the rules that are generally applied at a show and what you have to pay attention to.


"A few tangles. You'll just see..."

In addition to training, you also need to groom your dog. Since Nola's arrival, I have been grooming the dogs myself. This is always accompanied by ups and downs and I am learning more and more. To officially trim them in show trim for the first time was both exciting and frightening.

Just before the show, Nola was in heat. Because she wore pants during her heat, Nola had a few small tangles. I mean, the timing... Initially I always try to carefully comb out tangles before cutting them. This is to preserve the coat as much as possible. Despite the care, a crucial section of fur was missing, leaving a hole. Shit, of course I was really disappointed about this. But hey, nothing you can do about it. It's not like I can stick the hair back on. Hopefully a good judge can see through this.

2 more days before the show.

One last training: the dress rehearsal. This one didn't go as planned, but that seems to be the case, right? There isn't much time to think about it, because I have two dogs that need to be washed, dried and trimmed. I was working on it all Saturday. Fortunately, I had already done a lot of preliminary work and the dogs are used to it by now.

And then the time has come...

Yesterday we packed everything and went to bed early so that we could leave on time in the morning. After a 2 hour drive we finally arrived in Beusichem. I spoke to several people and the showing also went well. Of course not quite as hoped, but for the first time I am certainly satisfied. Nola goes home with a VG and Fido has received his breeding suitability certificate.

And me? I am tired by all the impressions and glad that I don't have to drive back myself. But I am very proud of my dogs. Okay, and also a bit proud of myself ;)


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